
Leather Technician'S Handbook

Price GBP 399.95

ISBN 9781839370335

Author Josephine Lewis

Year 2020

Publisher AKH Publishing House

Binding Hardcover

Cover Image Available

"Leather Technologist is a professional who works in a Leather manufacturing unit industry and help to synthesis, production and also refining of leather to make commercial goods like footwear, clothing, gloves, belts, wallets, luggage’s, bags and upholstery including automobiles and sports goods. Their job includes supervision of operatives on the factory floor with laboratory work, researching, testing and sampling the chemicals, dyes and products in use. Monitoring of waste and by-products is also important to ensure that they fall within safety limits. Technologists also undertake administrative duties, writing up research and operational reports for managers. Leather technologist ensures before dispatch that leather products are measured and graded according to customer requirements, for instance, softness, color, thickness and finish. Leather Technology Courses in recent times have emerged as a lucrative career option. Until a few years ago, those who happened to be in the industry were there through experience rather than through any formal training.

This handbook details the complete information for a Leather’s technician. The book contains seven chapters. Chapter 1 focuses on role and responsibility of leather technician. The chapter describes the objectives of leather technician, the knowledge for leatherwork, and the working environment for leatherwork. A Leather Technician produces leather for the manufacture of leather goods for a variety of end users such as furniture, clothing and sports equipment. Leather Technicians need expert knowledge of leather properties to ensure the leather meets customer requirements. They take animal hides through a number of processes to soften and dye the skins. Chapter 2 highlights on manufacture of leather furniture that covers leather furniture, cowhide to furniture leather, and raw materials for sofa building. Chapter 3 highlights on degreasing, splitting, cleaning and de-hairing hides. Degreasing and cleaning of metal parts, delicate instruments, textile/leather garment materials, etc. are essential operations which involve large quantities of hazardous materials such as organic solvents, acids, etc. Chapter 4 aims to cover the soaking hides in chemical compounds. Soaking is carried out to allow hides and skins to reabsorb any water which may have been lost after flaying, in the curing process, or during transport. Soaking also cleans the hides and skins (removal of dung, blood, dirt, etc.) and removes interfibrillary material. Chapter 5 intends to cover the pre-tanning and tanning hides. It highlights Pre-tanning operations and process for pre-tanning and tanning skins with organic tanning agent. Chapter 6 sheds light on surface finishing and leather finishing. It focuses on tanning and leather finishing, the animal hides and skins into leather, and the drying of leather in the tannery. Finally, last chapter 7 focuses on testing and grading leather. It covers the purpose of leather grading, physical testing of leather by crude methods, and assess and measure various leather surface defects. This book serves as a valuable tool for students and others dealing with the field."

Josephine Lewis is an Adjunct Instructor at Public Institute of Art and Design, Zurich and also teaches leather craft workshops and classes. She works with the leather industry and her work focuses on leather training, stitching, surface finishing and leather finishing. She obtained her Master's in Leather Design and Crafts from Public University of Technology, Andalusia. Lewis has authored and edited more than 16 articles, journal papers and book chapters in the field of leather craft, testing and grading leather. She is a member of several scientific and technical societies, where she shares her expertise and knowledge in the field of leather.

Preface IX
Chapter 1 Role and Responsibilityof Leather Technician 1
1.1 Objectives of Leather Technician 2
1.2 Knowledge for Leatherwork 11
1.3 Working Environment for Leatherwork 31
Summary 34
Multiple Choice Questions 35
Review Questions 36
References 37
Chapter 2 Manufacture of Leather Furniture 39
2.1 Leather furniture 40
2.2 From cowhide to furniture leather 64
2.3 Raw Materials for Sofa Building 69
Summary 70
Multiple Choice Questions 71
Review Questions 72
References 73
Chapter 3 Degreasing, Splitting, Cleaning and De-Hairing Hides 75
3.1 Degreasing of Leather 77
3.2 Splitting for Leather 87
3.3 Cleaning and De-Hairing Hides 106
Summary 110
Multiple Choice Questions 111
Review Questions 112
References 113
Chapter 4 Soaking Hides in Chemical Compounds 115
4.1 Progress in Cleaner Preservation of Raw Hides and Soaking 116
4.2 Chemical Properties of Hides and Skins 127
4.3 Chemical Testing of Leather 136
Summary 140
Multiple Choice Questions 141
Review Questions 143
References 144
Chapter 5 Pre-tanning and Tanning Hides 145
5.1 Pre-Tanning Operations 146
5.2 Process for Pre-Tanning and Tanning Skins With Organic
Tanning Agent 151
5.3 Tanning Hides 162
5.4 How to Tan a Deer Hide 167
Summary 176
Multiple Choice Questions 176
Review Questions 177
References 178
Chapter 6 Surface Finishing and Leather Finishing (Drying of Hides) 179
Introduction 179
6.1 Tanning and Leather Finishing 180
6.2 Animal Hides and Skins into Leather 186
6.3 The Drying of Leather in
the Tannery 194
Summary 211
Multiple Choice Questions 212
Review Questions 213
References 214
Chapter 7 Testing and Grading Leather 215
7.1 Purpose of Leather Grading 216
7.2 Physical Testing of Leather 221
7.3 Assessment of Defects 226
Summary 240
Multiple Choice Questions 241
Review Questions 242
References 243
Index 245