Preface ix 1. An Introduction to the Types of Tannages used on Ethnographic Leather 1 1. Introduction 1 2. Types of Tannages 2 3. The Chemistry Of Mineral Tannage 9 4. Chromium Tannage 9 5. Determination of Tannage type 20 6. New insight into combination tanning 21 7. Conclusion 28 References 28 MCQs 30 Answers 30 2. The Conservation of Plains Indian Shirts 31 1. Introduction 31 2. The Art of Plains Indian Shirts 32 3. Clothing 37 4. Microfade Testing Of Plains Indian Shirts 39 5. Conclusion 43 References 44 MCQs 45 Answers 45 3. A Brief Summary of Laser Experimentation Undertaken on Parchment 46 1. Introduction 46 2. Critical evaluation of laser cleaning of parchment 47 3. Conservation of Parchment 54 4. Conclusion 57 References 57 MCQs 60 Answers 60 4. The Conservation of a Turtle Shell Mask from the Torres Strait Islands 61 1. Introduction 61 2. Turtle Shell 62 3. Turtle Mask from the Torres Strait 66 4. Conclusion 72 References 72 MCQs 74 Answers 74 5. Love a Duck: The Conservation of Feathered Skins 75 1. Introduction 75 2. Duck Characteristics 76 3. Types of duck feathers 77 4. Skinning the ducks 83 5. Conclusion 95 References 95 MCQs 97 Answers 97 6. Cleaning of Feathers from the Ethnological Museum 98 1. Introduction 98 2. Feathers to the Ethnographic Museum 99 3. A new challenge for scientists and conservators at the British Museum: Cleaning of Museum with laser 100 4. Conservation and restoration of feathers 101 5. Preventive conservation 107 6. Conclusion 112 References 114 MCQs 115 Answers 115 7. Colourful Feathers: Multidisciplinary Investigation of the Amazonian Featherwork 116 1. Introduction 116 2. Colored feathers in museum collections 117 3. Ethnographic Featherwork from the Andes and Amazon in the Metropolitan Museum of Art 117 4. Feathers: The Treasures of the Rainforest 130 5. Quantifying Appearance Attributes and Monitoring Appearance Changes 134 6. Conclusion 136 References 137 MCQs 138 Answers 138 8. Fur will Fly: Exhibiting Controversy 139 1. Introduction 139 2. Fur clothing 141 3. Sources of fur 143 4. Animals Used for Clothing 147 5. Fur trade 151 6. Fur farming 162 7. Controversy 166 8. How Fur Production Harms the Environment 171 9. Conclusion 172 References 172 MCQs 174 Answers 174 9. Caring for Fur at the Museum of London 175 1. Introduction 175 2. Materials 176 3. Definition of Types of Fur Objects 176 4. Collections Care Strategies for Fur 181 5. Causes of Deterioration of Fur Objects 191 6. The fur tanning process 193 7. Cleaning 194 8. Repair and Restoration 195 9. Preventive care, maintenance, and storage 196 10. Conclusion 198 References 198 MCQs 200 Answers 200 10. Caring for Feather, Skin and Fur 201 1. Introduction 201 2. Variety of feather, skins and furs 202 3. Fur care 204 4. Causes of damage to feather, skin and fur and preventive conservation strategies 206 5. Skin and Feather Disorders of Pet Birds 212 6. Conclusion 215 References 216 MCQs 217 Answers 217 Index 219 |