The Leather Working

Beginner Friendly To Leather Crafting Process, Tips And Techniques

Price GBP 365.95

ISBN 9781839370007

Author Jessica Ceballos

Year 2020

Publisher AKH Publishing House

Binding Hardcover

Cover Image Available

"The consumption of leather products by the humans is very common and used almost every day. The primary raw material for any leather processing industry is derived from slaughter houses and waste from the meat industry. This raw material is processed and converted into usable leather in tanneries. Hence, tanning industry is considered as one of the primary leather processing units in the entire leather industry. Leather industry is a very old manufacturing sector producing a broad range of goods such as leather footwear, leather bags, leather garments, and so on. The raw material used in leather industry is derived from the waste product of food industry, specifically from meat processing. This waste product is converted into desirable and useful leather products. Leather and its products are one of the most traded products globally. They are produced from renewable and readily available resource. Although the leather tanning industry primarily utilizes the waste from the meat industry, it also involves the usage of many chemicals to convert the raw material into finished product. Thus, leather industry consumes resources and produces pollutants which are toxic and hazardous to the environment.

This book is organized into seven chapters. Chapter 1 presents an introduction to leatherwork. The chapter highlights the leathers and leather products. Finally, it describes the types of leather. Chapter 2 focuses on basic tools and materials in leatherwork. Various tools and descriptions of tools are important in working with leather. The tools for lightweight art-leather tooling are simple and inexpensive and can be found in the home workshop. The tools commonly used in leathercraft are illustrated. Chapter 3 focuses on production of leather articles. It examines the design environment. Furthermore, it elaborates on preliminary design and prepare for making leather items. Chapter 4 highlights on leather decoration and finishing. Leather designing is a new career field and different from fashion designing. With the demand of leather goods increasing at a global level, a specialized course in Leather Goods and Accessories. Designing is making students stand out in a creative world. Leather crafting or simply leathercraft is the practice of making leather into craft objects or works of art, using shaping techniques, coloring techniques or both. Chapter 5 sheds light on entrepreneurial skills in leatherwork. Entrepreneurial skills can encompass a broad range of various skill sets like technical skills, leadership and business management skills and creative thinking. Because entrepreneurial skills can be applied to many different job roles and industries, developing your entrepreneurial skills can mean developing several types of skill sets. Chapter 6 focuses on exhibition of leather products. Production and supply have gradually moved from industrialized to developing countries and emerging economies, which are now becoming major players in the trade. In fact, developing and emerging economies can now manage the whole supply chain on their own and are fast becoming the most important suppliers of value-added finished products. Chapter 7 focuses on leatherworking techniques. In this book, students will learn how to use leatherworker’s tools, work with a pre-made pattern, accurately cut and prepare leather, then spend an enjoyable afternoon creating the project of their choice. "

Jessica Ceballos is a Product Design and Development Professional based at Bahia. She holds a Master's Degree in Design and Crafts. She specializes in fabric & leather crafts and has contributed extensively to the field through her works comprising an array of articles, research papers and book chapters. She is on the editorial board of several renowned international journals. Ceballos consistently shares her knowledge with the researcher fraternity by organizing lectures and conferences across the globe.

Preface IX
Chapter 1 Introduction to Leatherwork 1
1.1 Leatherwork 3
1.2 Leathers and Leather Products 12
1.3 Types of Leather 30
Summary 36
Multiple Choice Questions 37
Review Questions 39
References 40
Chapter 2 Basic Tools and Materials in Leatherwork 41
2.1 Tools for Leatherwork 42
2.2 Materials for Leatherwork 59
2.3 Leather-Raw Materials and
Preparation 63
Summary 73
Multiple Choice Questions 73
Review Questions 74
References 75
Chapter 3 Production of Leather
Articles 77
Introduction 77
3.1 Design Environment 78
3.2 Preliminary Design 87
3.3 Making Leather Items 104
Summary 117
Multiple Choice Questions 118
Review Questions 119
References 120
Chapter 4 Leather Decoration and Finishing 121
4.1 Overview of Leather Decoration 122
4.2 Leather Finishing 149
Summary 158
Multiple Choice Questions 159
Review Questions 160
References 161
Chapter 5 Entrepreneurial Skills in Leatherwork 163
5.1 Areas of Enterprise in Leatherwork 164
5.2 Leather Goods and Other Leather Products 166
5.3 Marketing Plan 169
5.4 Financial skills 174
5.5 Management in the Leatherwork Enterprise 180
5.6 Impact Leather Pricing 181
5.7 The Risk Management Process 183
Summary 195
Multiple Choice Questions 196
Review Questions 197
References 198
Chapter 6 Exhibition of Leather Products 199
6.1 Concept of Exhibition 201
6.2 Purpose of the Exhibition 207
6.3 Description of Fairs, Expositions and Exhibitions 210
6.4 Types of Exhibitions 212
6.5 Importance of Exhibitions 216
6.6 Exhibition Planning 224
6.7 Mounting and Displaying Objects 226
Summary 234
Multiple choice Questions 234
Review Questions 235
References 236
Chapter 7 Introduction to Leatherworking Techniques 237
7.1 Overview of Leather and Types 238
7.2 Overview of Leatherwork 249
7.3 Basic Leatherworking Techniques & Skills for Beginners 254
Summary 260
Multiple Choice Questions 261
Review Questions 262
References 263